Create SSH Tunnel from Local to Remote Private AWS Database (RDS)

To create an SSH tunnel to access a private RDS database, you need to establish a connection through a publicly accessible EC2 instance acting as a "jump box" which then forwards your connection to the private database within your VPC, essentially creating a secure tunnel for your data traffic over the public internet.

Key steps involved:

Set up a publicly accessible EC2 instance:

Launch an EC2 instance in a public subnet within your VPC.

Open the necessary ports in the security group for SSH access from your local machine.

Configure the private database:

Ensure your private RDS instance is located in a private subnet with appropriate security group rules allowing connections from the public EC2 instance on the database port.

Establish the SSH tunnel:

Command format: ssh -L <local_port>:<private_database_host>:<private_database_port> user@public_ec2_instance_ip


  • -L: Specifies that you want to create a local forward tunnel.

  • <local_port>: The port on your local machine that will be used to access the database.

  • <private_database_host>: The private IP address of your RDS instance.

  • <private_database_port>: The port on the RDS instance where your database is listening.

  • user@public_ec2_instance_ip: The username and public IP address of your EC2 jump box.


ssh -L ec2-user@

Important considerations:


  • Use strong SSH keys and limit access to the jump box.

  • Monitor your SSH connections for suspicious activity.

Database access:

Once the tunnel is established, you can connect to your private database using your database client, specifying the local port you forwarded (localhost:33060 in the example above).